Hi, this is ISA Alvarez, chief postal plans and operations for the United States Central Committee. In the previous video, we went over the 1412 online register. Today, we are going to address how to actually submit a 1412 online report. Once your day is open, the first thing you want to do is look at your 1412 report. Select the drop-down menu where it says "consolidated detail" to see if there is any information or data available. Then, you want to look at every single individual to make sure your clerks aren't listed as such because you are a mineral scale operation. One of the very first things we're going to do is add a postage meter. By adding the postage meter, you are keeping accountability of the postage that you sell. First things first, we have to identify who is the owner or who is the person that is going to be conducting the finance operation under that meter. You will select the clerk and add a postage meter. When adding the postage meter, you will need to identify the serial number first so that you can keep track and accountability of that meter. For the purpose of this training, we are going to use the serial number 78945612 for the beginning reading. That is the reading or the funds available in that meter at that time. For the purpose of this training, we are going to utilize $50,000 as the starting balance. That means your meter has fifty thousand dollars available in postage sales. One thing to keep in mind inside of the 1412 online report when dealing with postage meters or steam stock is that the decimal point cannot be used. Therefore, never forget about adding the two additional zeros that represent the decimal point. So,...
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Usps 3602 Form: What You Should Know
Gov). PS Form 3602-EZ.pdf — About USPS home (PDF Download on USPS.gov). Postage Statement — Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail — Expedited PS Form 3602-R, 01/2017. PS Form 3602-N, 01/2017. PS Form 3602-EZ, 01/2017. PS Form 3602-EZ.pdf — About USPS home (PDF Download on USPS.gov). Postage Statement — Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail — Easy Postage Easy—Nonautomation Letters or Flats. Use Form 3602-EZ. Forms — Resources — About.usps.com Use PS Form 3606-A, Postal Marketing Mailing Standards, 01/2017. PS Form 3606-B, Postal Customer Service Standards, 01/2017. PS Form 3606-C, Postal Customer Service Rules, 01/2017. PS 3607-A-01, Postmarking Guide for USPS Marketing Mail. PDF Download Postal Mail Order Form PS Form 3602-J, 01/2018. Postage Statement — Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail — Expedited PS Form 3602-EZ, 01/2018. Postage Statement—Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail—Postal Customer Service Standards PS Form 3602-F-00, 01/2018. Postage Statement—Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail—Postal Customer Service Rules PS Form 3602-G-00, 01/2018. Postage Statement — Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail — Expedited PS Form 3602-H-00, 01/2018. Postage Statement — Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail — Supplemental USPS Marketing Mail PS Form 3602-J, 01/2018. Postage Statement — Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail — Postal Customer Service Standards PS Form 3602-O-00, 01/2018. PS Form 3602-X-00.pdf — About USPS home Postage Stamp This form may only be used for an automated mail piece, as a mail order, or for any other item that meets these criteria. It must have a stamp and be completed using the format shown below. Only one stamp can be used. Please note that a USPS Marketing Mail letter posted with this form must use USPS Marketing Mail envelopes.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Usps 3602